The Outpatient
Palliative Team
in Freising
About us
We care for patients with advanced illnesses in their familiar surroundings
The SAPV team in Freising offers intensive care by a specialised team consisting of doctors from various disciplines with additional qualifications in palliative medicine as well as nursing staff with specializing in 'palliative care'. We aim to fulfill the frequent wish to avoid hospitalisation, with the first priority of care being symptom relief and preserving the autonomy of our patients.
For life until the end
Every person has his or her own view on life, individual needs and wishes, but also his or her own fears. Respecting this – regardless of gender and orientation, religion, age, nationality, social status – and doing our best to respond to it as a caring SAPV team means preserving the autonomy of seriously ill and dying people. The self-determination of our patients is our highest priority. With careful respect for individual life, we want to make dying in dignity possible.
It is important to us that every patient is accompanied holistically in the last phase of life – physically, psychologically, spiritually and socially. We can alleviate physical suffering and pain. We address the fears of patients and their confidants in different ways to make the inevitable dying process as bearable as possible. There is space and time for ‘what was there’, for ‘what is coming’, and there is time and space for your loved ones. It is important to us to involve relatives and loved ones in our psychosocial support. We create a safety net so that no one is left alone with fears or needs. We explain what the last phase of life entails in order to make it easier for people to accept dying as a part of life.
Dying, death and mourning are part of life – this is an important guiding principle of the ‘Charter for the Care of Seriously Ill and Dying People in Germany’. We would like to contribute to anchoring this sentence in social consciousness.
We accompany you
Our SAPV team
Dr. med. Sven Michels
Medical Director
Palliative physician, specialist in urology
Dr. med. Cordula Tüllmann
Deputy medical director
Palliative physician, specialist in urology
Dr. med. Anton Frey
Palliative physician, specialist in anaesthesiology
Dr. med. Irmgard Frey
Palliative physician, specialist in anaesthesiology
Dr. med. Regina Mehltretter
Palliative physician, specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine
Sonja Koblbauer
Palliative physician, specialist in anaesthesia and emergency medicine
Nursing staff
Rita Blüschke
Nursing management
Palliative care specialist
Katja Götz
Palliative care specialist
Michaela Schollerer
Palliative care specialist
Angelika Kolb
Palliative care specialist
Gabriela Hutter
Palliative care specialist
Budimirka Mijovic
Palliative care specialist
Claudia Riebe
Palliative care specialist
Inga Thoma
Palliative care specialist
Melanie Bauer
Commercial management
Certified business administrator IHK
Authorised signatory
Sandra Damke
Administrative staff
Veronika Franz
Administrative staff
Nicole Bauer
Administrative staff
Petra Waldhör
Managing Director
M.Sc. (Palliative Care)
Palliative Care Specialist
Milestones in the accompaniment
Our path as the SAPV team Freising.
Our goal: For life until the end.
Gründung Ambulantes Palliativ-Team Freising gGmbH
Notar Bruno Geßele
Ärztliche Leitung:
Eva Pröscholdt Graupner
Pflegerische Leitung: Petra Waldhör
Juni 2017
Unterschrift der 'Charta zur Betreuung schwerstkranker und sterbender Menschen'.
Oktober 2019
Ärztlicher Führungswechsel
Frau Dr. Möller wird ärztliche Leitung,
Frau Eva Pröscholdt Graupner geht in Ruhestand.
Januar 2020
Wechsel der Geschäftsführung
Petra Waldhör übernimmt, Bruno Geßele geht in Ruhestand.
April 2020
Wechsel der Pflegedienstleitung
Petra Waldhör übergibt an Rita Blüschke.
2020 - 2021
Die Gründung von 'Krisen ZiB – Zeitintensive Betreuung im Pflegeheim' untertützt die stationären Pflegeheime mit zusätzlicher Betreuungszeit für schwerkranke und sterbende Menschen in der Corona-Zeit.
2021 - 2022
Start des 'ZiB Projektes'
'Zeitintensive Betreung im Pflegeheim' als Modellversuch für eine generelle Unterstützung stationärer Pflege-Institutionen. Wissenschaftlich begleitet und möglich gemacht durch das 'Bayerische Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege', der 'Stiftung Zukunft Mensch' sowie der 'Paula-Kubitscheck-Vogel-Stiftung'.
>>, 12.11.2021
Gründung des 'Steuerkreises' für den Aufbau eines Hospiz- und Palliativversorgungsnetzwerkes
Beteiligt: Ambulantes Palliativ-Team Freising gGmbH, Charlotte und Carl Georg Maier-Stiftung, GesundheitsregionPlus Freising, Hospizgruppe Freising e.V., Klinikum Freising GmbH, Sophienhospiz gGmbH.
September 2022
Gemeinsame Unterzeichnung der 'Charta zur Betreuung schwerstkranker und sterbender Menschen' durch den 'Steuerungskreis'.
>> Süddeutsche Zeitung, 8.9.2022
Auftakt für das 'Hospiz- und Palliativ-Verorgungsnetzwerk' Region Freising – HPVN im Landratsamt. Das SAPV-Team Freising ist Gründungsmitglied.
>> Freisinger Tagblatt, 03.03.2023