Farewell at home
and in safety
Palliative medical and nursing support
for the seriously ill in the last stage of life
We accompany you
Specialised outpatient palliative care in Freising
Palliative care for the entire Freising district. The Freising SAPV team provides personal care in familiar surroundings at home and coordinates the entire palliative process.

Our Mission
"The self-determination of patients is the top priority in our work".
For life
until the end
Every person has his or her own concept of life, individual needs and wishes, but also his or her own fears. By respecting this – regardless of gender and orientation, religion, age, nationality, social status – and responding to it as best as possible as a caring SAPV team, allowing us to preserve the autonomy of those who are seriously ill and dying. The self-determination of patients is our highest priority. With careful respect for individual life, we want to enable the ability to die in dignity.
Here you will find answers
... about SAPV and our team, as a person affected by serious illness or caretakers and loved ones, as a person in the medical service, as an end of life.
Latest news
Latest information
Support from ‘KRISEN-ZiB’ (Crisis Centre)
Especially the isolation in the Corona crisis affects many seriously ill and dying people in the nursing home very strongly in their quality of life and in their personal needs. The new programme ‘Krisen-ZiB – Zeitintensive Betreuung im Pflegeheim’ supports inpatient nursing homes in times of corona, quickly and unbureaucratically. Additional, individual care time, simply sitting with the patients, giving attention – that is what ‘Krisen-ZiB’ offers.
Successful vehicle donation
From the ‘Freisinger Tagblatt’ v. 19/07/2018 >> Successful fundraising campaign on Freising bank platform – PALLIATIVE TEAM NOW REALLY GETS GOING Freising/Achering It was barely four months ago. At that time, the Freising outpatient palliative team, in cooperation with the Freisinger Bank, asked the Freising population for donations via their donation platform “Viele schaffen mehr”. The money is to be