
The services of SAPV Freising

What can the Freising outpatient palliative team do for me?

Specialised outpatient palliative care (SAPV) serves people with an incurable, progressive disease with limited life expectancy.

Palliative care supports the existing medical care and nursing institutions. Through intensive care, we aim to respect and uphold the frequent wish to avoid hospitalisation. Our palliative care focuses on alleviating symptoms such as pain, nausea and fears – including the fears of relatives. At home with our patients or in the familiar care facility, we do our best to respond to an individual´s needs and wishes.

Are you entitled to specialised outpatient palliative care?

People with statutory and private insurance are entitled to SAPV, provided they are affected by an incurable, advanced disease with limited life expectancy that requires particularly complex care.

We advise privately insured persons to discuss the assumption of costs with their insurance company beforehand.

How to access the services
of SAPV:

In order for the costs to be covered by your health insurance, ‘Specialised outpatient palliative care’ must be prescribed by your medical care or the clinic. The document “Form63” is thus required.
You can download the “Form63” and the corresponding completion aid here.


From our service catalogue

Our above-mentioned services are a
supplement to the attending
medical care or nursing service.

Here you will find further information for patients or those interested in cooperation:

Once again for reading

Download our brochure.

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