Especially the isolation in the Corona crisis affects many seriously ill and dying people in the nursing home very strongly in their quality of life and in their personal needs.
The new programme ‘Krisen-ZiB – Zeitintensive Betreuung im Pflegeheim’ supports inpatient nursing homes in times of corona, quickly and unbureaucratically. Additional, individual care time, simply sitting with the patients, giving attention – that is what ‘Krisen-ZiB’ offers.
Specially trained palliative care specialists are released from their regular work for the programme within a fixed framework in order to intensively care for the affected residents during this time.
The overall coordination of the project, which is implemented by seven institutions (mostly hospice associations) throughout Bavaria, is the responsibility of the ‘Paula Kubitscheck-Vogel-Stiftung’ (Munich).
In the district of Freising, Krisen-ZIB is run by the ‘Ambulant Palliative Team’ and the ‘Hospice Group Freising’. It is mainly refinanced by funds from the ‘Stiftung Zukunft Mensch’, which covers the administrative costs and the personnel costs of six nursing staff.
Four care facilities in the district of Freising are already supported by ‘Krisen-ZiB’.
On 1 April, it started at the ‘AWO-Seniorenpark Moosburg’, and on 1 May, the ‘Seniorenpark Schönblick Nandlstadt’ and the ‘Vitalis-Senioren-Zentren Marzling and Freising’ were added.
“The extra time of the ‘crisis workers’ is currently worth so much. It is a great benefit for our residents in forced quarantine and relieves the tense nerves of our staff enormously. ” This is the conclusion of the home management in the AWO senior citizens’ residential home in Moosburg after one month. “Relatives are also grateful for every minute that they know that their mother or father is currently being cared for more, as they are not allowed to go into the house and be there for them themselves at the moment.”
It is planned that the regular ‘time-intensive care in the nursing home’ will be maintained even after the Corona crisis.